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"The task of my life and the Congregation to which I belong is precisely to awaken an ever greater interest in the missions and if possible to make it take root in all hearts."


Blessed Mary Theresa Ledóchowska

International Communities


United by their missionary vocation, sisters live in international communities. When united, they achieve the goal of the Congregation, as indicated by the Foundress:


Strength is in unity! Unity increases what is small, but division reduces what is great. We are small, but our strength lies in unity and through this unity we can do great things for God and for the missions (Conf. 1905).


True fraternal unity within a community is not turned in on itself, but is open to others and expands the horizons of the mission. Love of Christ is always the unifying factor.





Contact us

Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver

Via dell'Olmata 16

00184 Rome



Tel: 064880450 -

Mobile:  349 069 5384

Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver


Account: 16595


IBAN: IT57X0521603229000000016595

Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver


Bank Account:  16595


IBAN: IT57X0521603229000000016595

© 2020  Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver. All rights reserved.

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