A Novena is a nine-day prayer for a particular intention. In the Novena to Blessed Maria Teresa Ledóchowska we ask our Blessed to intercede with God for the necessary graces for all those who need or ask for them. In the Novena to Blessed Maria Teresa Ledóchowska the Missionary Sisters of St. Peter Claver in all the communities of the world pray for the intentions of the people who ask us to pray for special graces for themselves, for their families, for friends or people in need of spiritual help and support of prayer.

Most beloved Jesus,
that you want to save all men
and for all you shed blood on the cross,
pour that zeal into us
from which inflamed
Blessed Maria Teresa
committed his life
in cooperating in evangelization
of all peoples.
Through her intercession give us grace
(mention it)
and grant us that by imitating generously
his love for Jesus and his brothers,
we can one day enjoy with her,
glorified, bliss in Heaven.
Blessed Maria Teresa, pray for us!
Praying a novena requires fidelity, perseverance and a faith filled with trust. For the next nine days from the 28th of the month it is necessary to recite the Novena prayer and ask God, through the intercession of Blessed Maria Teresa Ledóchowska, for a specific grace.